Wednesday, August 10, 2022




Here's what NOT in your basket this week ;)  Lettuce Mix.... 

The heat has been really hard on it. Heat makes everything, including lettuce, grow really fast. But it also slows down the grow of the newly seeded lettuce... As a result, we are short on this good stuff as the mature ones are now too big and the baby ones are growing slow. Keep your fingers cross for next week! 

But you will have all this good stuff in your basket: 

Radishes: We have finally found some varieties that grow well in the heat.

Cucumber: Are you cool as a cucumber? 

Our cucumbers this year have done really well! For some reason, the cucumber beetles didn't find our plants till their were already mature so they had a really small impact on their growth. Perhaps Duncan's crop rotation finally worked... 

Patty Pan, Gold Coin Onions: It's squash season... Both are great with for spaghetti sauce, or top your pizza with it.. We've been having it just fried in butter and olive oil with some salt. 

Green Beans: Yummy and you know what to do with them!

Beets: Always good and sweet. :)

Kale: Kale salad, Kale chips, kale smoothies... so many options. 

Parsley: Add it to anything! It will keep good for a long time in the fridge if you put it in a plastic bag. 

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 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...