Thursday, August 25, 2022


Good morning everyone!

Were you worried about your weekly newsletter? I, Marie-Luce, was in Québec visiting my family with the kids for the last 10 days. Duncan was alone with the garden and all... I guess the newsletter was not in the priority list for either of us. Sorry... 

Sure feels like fall is coming up here on the farm, veggies are growing slower as the days are getting shorter. And there is not much we can plant now except for the really quick stuff like spinach, radishes and lettuce. But end of August also means Tomatoes and winter squash season, these have been in the ground since June.

So this week in your basket: 
Tomato: Sure you know what to do with them!

Acorn Squash: We like to keep it simple, cut in half, remove the seeds, ut a bit of olive oil/butter salt and pepper in it, flip it on a cookie sheet, put it in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 400° and voilà!  For a more detailed recipe follow this link: Acorn Squash

Leeks: Time for soup! Or try them grilled on the bbq.

Mix Peppers: Peppers again!  It must be pepper season. :P

Parsnips: Great roasted, or wait for a rainy day and make some stew.

Carrots: As usual! Soon you will be back to the tastless grocery store carrots....

Cucumber: Great for some Tzatziki 

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 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...