Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 This week in your basket: 

Celery: We heard that it wasn't enough celery last week to last more than a day, so here is a little bit more! 

Carrots: At our house, we love them raw straight out of the garden but we also like to add them with other veggies in stir fry or to make carrot soup. 

Salad Mix and Hakurei Turnips: For a great salad this week. The salad turnips can be sliced but also grated on top of your salad. 

You can also try to roast them following something like this recipe: Roasted Hakurei Turnips (this recipe calls for a mix of radishes and turnips, just turnips is good too, we picked this one because they use the turnips and their greens so no waste and a colorful side dish) 

Fresh Shallots: These are to be used just like a yellow onions, they are fresh so they prefer to be kept in the fridge. Soon, we will pick all of them from the garden and cure them for a few weeks, then you'll see them in your basket with their dry skin on. 

Beets: As yummy and sweet as a veggie can be!  Just steam or roast, no need to peel!

Rainbow Chard: Always amazed by the colors in this! 

And a glimpse at what is coming soon....

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 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...