Wednesday, July 27, 2022


 This week in your basket: 

Celery: We heard that it wasn't enough celery last week to last more than a day, so here is a little bit more! 

Carrots: At our house, we love them raw straight out of the garden but we also like to add them with other veggies in stir fry or to make carrot soup. 

Salad Mix and Hakurei Turnips: For a great salad this week. The salad turnips can be sliced but also grated on top of your salad. 

You can also try to roast them following something like this recipe: Roasted Hakurei Turnips (this recipe calls for a mix of radishes and turnips, just turnips is good too, we picked this one because they use the turnips and their greens so no waste and a colorful side dish) 

Fresh Shallots: These are to be used just like a yellow onions, they are fresh so they prefer to be kept in the fridge. Soon, we will pick all of them from the garden and cure them for a few weeks, then you'll see them in your basket with their dry skin on. 

Beets: As yummy and sweet as a veggie can be!  Just steam or roast, no need to peel!

Rainbow Chard: Always amazed by the colors in this! 

And a glimpse at what is coming soon....

Wednesday, July 20, 2022


This week in your basket: 

Celery: The first of our celery this year. The stalk will remain crunchier if you cut the leaves off, but don't throw them out, they are perfect for making bouillon. They are also easy to freeze if that hot weather doesn't make you feel like a batch of soup. 

Salad Mix and Radishes: They are back!

Leeks: These would pair really good with the broccoli for a delicious soup. If you like following a recipe, here's a simple one: Leek and broccoli soup. The leeks are also easy to freeze, we like to slice them up and put in a Ziploc for the next rainy day. Leeks can also replace any onions in your favorite recipe.

Broccoli Florets: Brocoli is green this week, and all cut into florets. Broccoli is super versatile, let us know what's your favorite way to use it. 

Sugar Snap peas: Because we know the ones from last week disappear way too quickly! Enjoy as they are the last of the season. 

Duncan ready to give a wash to the leeks.

As we've mentioned in last week newsletter, weeding is one of the keys to
keep the veggies growing well.
Here's Zac and Phoenix weeding away at 25°C today! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


Week 5 already! Summer is going fast! 

We took a few pictures from 3 of our gardens today. Interesting to see the production is in all stages even in the middle of July. So as soon as a row has been harvested, something else get planted or transplant into it. 

In the pictures, you can see the newly transplanted brocoli right beside the full grown one. The beds that look empty are our freshly planted carrots, and hopefully Rutabaga, might be to late?!  To grow lots of veggies on a intensive scale, succesive planting is one of the keys, that and lots of weeding. :)
Baby broccoli planted in landscape fabric

Soon to be carrots

This week in your basket: 

Purple Gobe Turnips: Great roasted, in soups, stews or grated on salads.

Sugar Snap Peas: Super good snack, these are the ones you can eat the whole pod. 

Dill: Cutting that dill today made me crave a good potato salad but it's also great for seafood, especially salmon.  Dill will keep for a week or 2 in the fridge (in a close plastic bag), but if you feel like this bunch is too big, you can easily freeze some and use it later. I'm sure Duncan will make a great Dill/Ceaser dressing.

Beets: No need to peel these fresh beets, the skin is just as good at the rest. The greens are also good to eat on these. If you feel like something different for the hot summer days, try something like this salad to go with your dill beets, feta and dill salad

Romaine lettuce: Crunchy and delicious as always

Green onions: Did you miss them last week? Remember they are good raw in salad or sandwiches but they also can be throw in to give some taste to any meat or fish you are cooking and they are great in scrabbles eggs. 

Carrots: Snack time! or soup maybe? or grated in your salad... So many options with this sweet treat. We love them roasted in a pan in butter on the bbq, and you can add your turnips too!

Hampton Hill Family.        

Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Here's what you will get in your box this week: 

Romaine hearts: Perfect for some crunch in your sandwiches or for an amazing ceasar salad. Here's Duncan's dressing recipe lately for our ceasar salad: feta cheese, mayo, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper mix with your hand blender. If you know Duncan, you'll understand that there is no precise recipe. Just wing it! 

Cilantro: Time for salsa! Lots of great (and precise) recipes out there... 

Tiara cabbage: The flavor of this kind of cabbage is mild, not peppery, with a buttery, tender, juicy crunch. It has a long shelf life too, so no stress to eat it all this week. It's good cook or for colslaw. 

Purple broccoli: The stems are long but super tender. It is good cook or raw. If cooked it will keep its great taste but loose its purple color and turn green. 

Basil: What about a pesto this week? It's good on pasta or to substitute the tomato sauce on homemade pizza. The broccoli would also be a great addition to one of these dishes. 

Carrots and radishes: Perfect for snacks. 

Chard: Either you love it or hate it, worse case scenario, share it with your neighbor! ;)

Hampton Hill Family.        

So beautiful! 

What to expect tomorrow. 

Coming soon in your basket.... 


 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...