Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 Hi everyone, 

Hope you all feeling great and have been enjoying your weekly fresh produce box. 

This week in your box: 

Beets: We like them steamed, just cut the leaves (leaving just a bit of the steam, you don't want to cut the beet), put them whole in a steamer, cook in about 10-15 minutes.  No need to peel these young ones. There is also tones of beet salad recipes around. 

And you can also keep the leaves for your next meal! One of our CSA member recommended this recipe: beet greens pesto! We are excited to try it and remember like in any pesto, you can switch the kind of nuts and cheese to your preference or to what you have at home! Let us know what you think. 

Carrots: How quickly did they disappear last week? 

Lettuce Mix, Green Onions and Radishes: For your salad this week 

Shelling Peas: Yummy! The first peas of the season, they are the kind you peel and are so tasty. Definitely good raw as a snack or in a salad, but you you can of course serve them lightly steam for a side. 

Hampton Hill Family.        

This morning harvest! About 22 pounds of shelling peas.

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 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...