Wednesday, June 22, 2022



A picture worth a thousand words... YES, that's all going in your fridge tomorrow! 

We are pretty happy with the garden progress but it's always surprising how much a cloudy, rainy, colder nites this week have impact the gardens. The veggies sure missed the sunshine lately! 

Here's the not quite a thousand words description of what you are getting this week: 

Salad mix and romaine lettuce: Because salads are such a great side or a full meal. Lately we have had a couple of ceasar salads topped with chicken. 

Napa cabbage: Often call "chinese cabbage" in recipes, it can be steamed, boiled, quickly stir-fried, or eaten raw. Cooked leaves and stalks add flavor to soups, stews, pasta dishes, and stir-fries or shred it to makes a coleslaw

Green onions: Add it either to your salad or your stirfries. 

Kale: Kale is super versatile! You can add some into your cabbage stir fry, to your smoothies, make chips or salad. If you eat it in a salad, we highly recommend you to massage it first with olive oil and salt, it will be more tender.  Here's some more info about this: How to massage you kale

Baby carrots: The first of our carrots, they are so good when picked that small. Enjoy them raw straight from the bunch, they will be gone in no time! 

Beet greens: Lovely fried with butter, although we wash the produce, make sure to give them a good rinse before you cook it as the dirt seems to stick to them. 

Have a great week! 

Hampton Hill Family.        

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 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...