Wednesday, June 29, 2022


 Hi everyone, 

Hope you all feeling great and have been enjoying your weekly fresh produce box. 

This week in your box: 

Beets: We like them steamed, just cut the leaves (leaving just a bit of the steam, you don't want to cut the beet), put them whole in a steamer, cook in about 10-15 minutes.  No need to peel these young ones. There is also tones of beet salad recipes around. 

And you can also keep the leaves for your next meal! One of our CSA member recommended this recipe: beet greens pesto! We are excited to try it and remember like in any pesto, you can switch the kind of nuts and cheese to your preference or to what you have at home! Let us know what you think. 

Carrots: How quickly did they disappear last week? 

Lettuce Mix, Green Onions and Radishes: For your salad this week 

Shelling Peas: Yummy! The first peas of the season, they are the kind you peel and are so tasty. Definitely good raw as a snack or in a salad, but you you can of course serve them lightly steam for a side. 

Hampton Hill Family.        

This morning harvest! About 22 pounds of shelling peas.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022



A picture worth a thousand words... YES, that's all going in your fridge tomorrow! 

We are pretty happy with the garden progress but it's always surprising how much a cloudy, rainy, colder nites this week have impact the gardens. The veggies sure missed the sunshine lately! 

Here's the not quite a thousand words description of what you are getting this week: 

Salad mix and romaine lettuce: Because salads are such a great side or a full meal. Lately we have had a couple of ceasar salads topped with chicken. 

Napa cabbage: Often call "chinese cabbage" in recipes, it can be steamed, boiled, quickly stir-fried, or eaten raw. Cooked leaves and stalks add flavor to soups, stews, pasta dishes, and stir-fries or shred it to makes a coleslaw

Green onions: Add it either to your salad or your stirfries. 

Kale: Kale is super versatile! You can add some into your cabbage stir fry, to your smoothies, make chips or salad. If you eat it in a salad, we highly recommend you to massage it first with olive oil and salt, it will be more tender.  Here's some more info about this: How to massage you kale

Baby carrots: The first of our carrots, they are so good when picked that small. Enjoy them raw straight from the bunch, they will be gone in no time! 

Beet greens: Lovely fried with butter, although we wash the produce, make sure to give them a good rinse before you cook it as the dirt seems to stick to them. 

Have a great week! 

Hampton Hill Family.        

Wednesday, June 15, 2022



Tomorrow is the first 2022 veggies basket for our CSA members!Don't forget to put your cooler outside if you told us you will, otherwise we will leave you a tote.  We do was our veggies, but suggest you give them a quick wash before eating. 

Here's a list of the veggies you will find in you basket

Lettuce Mix: A tradition and one of the item you will find the most often in your basket. Just fresh, tender and delicious with anything. 

Spinach: One of the favorite at the markets! Enjoy while available. Spinach likes colder weather to grow well so it's hard to grow later in the season. 

Radish: Add some crunch to your salad with these. They are french breakfast radishes and just spicy enough. 

Hakurei Turnips: This veggie would deserve to be better known! It's great in salad, on it's onw and some of our customers say they love it roasted. 

Green Onions:  Great addition to salad!

Chard: We like it quickly fried in butter (or olive oil but you know what they say: everything is better with butter!) with some salt and pepper. 

Romaine lettuce: We just had a ceasar salad tonite with homemade crouton and this was perfect! 


Hampton Hill Family.        






Sunday, June 12, 2022

4 days count down

Only 4 days before your first delivery! Are you excited for fresh salad with crunchy radishes and turnips? Or a tasty stir fry of mix greens? We have been eating from the garden for about a month now and we can feel the difference in our body. Nothing like fresh greens to fuel you up! 

Your first basket will be delivered Thursday, June 16th.  We start deliveries at 11 in  Hampton and around 2 in Quispamsis then into Saint John.

We will provide a tote for the season.  Every Thursday, it should be left on your porch (or other practical shady location). Every week, we will put the veggies in it so they are safe.  If you have a cooler that you can leave on your porch every Thursday for delivery it's even better, the veg will stay fresher,  and we won't leave you the tote.  Let us know if you have a cooler so we can calculate the totes we need to bring for first deliveries.

Through the season, you will receive a weekly email to let you know what you will find in your box that week. 

Also, the second half of the payment ($195) will be due with the delivery of the first box on June 16th. Please e-tranfer to    Thanks! 

Hampton Hill Family

Carrots, peas and romaine lettuce are looking good in the garden! :




Thursday, June 2, 2022

2 weeks left before the first delivery of 2022

Hello all!  

We’re a bit late with updates on the CSA this year, as you can all imagine it has been a busy time!  We had planned on having an employee this season, but so far that hasn’t happened so needless to say Duncan is swamped!   

It has been a great spring weather wise, and things are growing well and progressing nicely.  We will be ready to start deliveries June 16th, originally we had hoped to start a week earlier than we normally do but have decided to wait the extra week so we can offer more variety in the food packs, you won’t be disappointed!

     If you are craving some fresh greens, onions, radish we will be at the Lupine Market this Friday at the Hampton Town Square come and see us. CSA members get 10% off at the markets all summer which includes eggs that we will have at Lupine in Hampton.  Please come and say Hi!  

Also if anyone would like to come by the farm and see where and how your produce is grown, message the farm and we can set up a time and would be happy to give you a tour!

Thanks again for being part of the farm, 

Hampton Hill Family


Sunny and Klauss, almost 3 months old! 


George, the male turkey, patrolling the farm


 Hello,  It's already the last week of our CSA program, we hope that you enjoyed your summer full of fresh veggies. We want to thank you...